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The Tech Discrepancy Between CCaaS Providers and Contact Centres

The contact centre is the heartbeat of customer service. Technology underpins operations and, along with agents, determines the success or failure of the customer experience. As technology has rapidly evolved, many businesses have been left behind, sticking to outdated systems that no longer fulfil their customers’ needs. On average, 31% of an organisation’s technology comprises of old IT systems, applications, or software, often termed legacy systems.

Beyond the typical issues like slow performance, system errors, data loss, and high costs, outdated technology carries hidden dangers. There are many reasons behind this. Let’s dive into why this is happening and how to fix it.

Why are Contact Centres Falling Short?

There are a number of important factors that contribute to businesses not having the relevant tech in place to provide exceptional customer experiences.

Stuck in the Past

Many contact centres today rely on the same basic tools they’ve used for years: phones, emails, and maybe some chat support. While these tools are essential, the reality is that many contact centres are missing out on the advancements that could take their operations to the next level. However, it’s important to note that voice-only customers remain a vital. While we aim to help contact centres transition to newer technologies, we understand that some aren’t ready, and we’ll continue to support them in every way we can.

What They’re Using

●      Phones and Basic Telephony: These are the backbone of many contact centres. They get the job done, but there’s potential for so much more.

●      Simple CRMs: These systems keep track of customer information but often suffer from limited integration and functionality.

●      IVR Systems: Automated menus that can be more frustrating than helpful if not optimised properly.

●      Email and Chat: Useful, but often lacking advanced features that can truly improve customer interactions.

Why So Behind?

Money talks and many contact centres simply lack a budget. On average, they spend only about 5-10% of their budget on tech. That’s a drop in the bucket compared to what’s needed to stay ahead of the curve. And let’s not forget, even if they had the cash, many would be wary of change. New tech can be scary, and overhauling systems can feel like a mountain too steep to climb.

But here’s the truth: sticking with old tech is like running a marathon in flip-flops. You might get to the finish line, but it will be painful, slow, and not pretty. It’s time for contact centres to step into the future and see what’s possible with the right tools.

The Potential of CCaaS

CCaaS (Contact Centre as a Service) offers a transformative approach to contact centre operations. It brings scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency to the table, making it a game-changer for businesses looking to modernise their customer service.

Benefits of CCaaS

  • Scalability: Need more agents during peak times? No problem. CCaaS allows you to easily adjust capacity based on demand.
  • Flexibility: Whether your team is working remotely or from various locations, CCaaS supports seamless communication across multiple channels.
  • Cost Efficiency: Say goodbye to hefty upfront costs. With subscription-based pricing, you only pay for what you need, making it easier on the budget.

Features Offered by Leading CCaaS Providers Like Cirrus

  • Advanced Analytics: Gain deep insights into customer interactions and agent performance, helping you make informed decisions.
  • AI and Machine Learning: Automate responses and use intelligent routing to ensure customers get to the right agent quickly.
  • Omni-Channel Support: Integrate voice, chat, email, and social media into a single platform for a seamless customer experience.
  • Workforce Management Tools: Efficiently schedule and monitor your team’s performance, ensuring optimal productivity.

The Discrepancy in Technology Adoption

Despite the clear benefits of CCaaS, there’s a significant gap between what many contact centres use today and what’s available. This discrepancy means many are missing out on the efficiencies and improvements CCaaS can offer.

Reasons for the Discrepancy

  • Lack of Awareness: Many contact centres simply do not know the full extent of what advanced technologies can do for them.
  • Budget Constraints: Financial limitations make it hard to justify the investment in new technologies, even if they offer long-term savings.
  • Resistance to Change: Change can be daunting. The fear of disrupting existing processes and the comfort of the familiar can hold back progress.
  • Integration Challenges: Integrating new solutions with existing systems can be tricky, creating a significant barrier to adoption.

“Many contact centres don’t even know why people are contacting them. The first step they can take is to analyse historical data or implement contact centre analytics to better understand customer interactions. Once they know why people are contacting them, they can identify repetitive low-value calls that can be automated.” – Jason Roos, CEO of Cirrus

Bridging the Gap

To bridge the technology gap, contact centres need to assess their current technology needs, choose the right CCaaS provider, and adopt best practices for implementation. Here’s how to get started.

Steps to Assess Current Technology Needs and Gaps

  • Analyse Contact Reasons: Dive into historic data or implement analytics to understand why customers are reaching out. Knowing the reasons behind calls can highlight areas for improvement and automation.
  • Identify Low-Value Calls: Pinpoint repetitive tasks like checking opening hours, account balances, or bin collection days. These are prime candidates for automation, freeing up agents to handle more complex issues.

Tips for Choosing the Right CCaaS Provider

  • Evaluate Features and Benefits: Look for a provider that offers the tools and capabilities your contact centre needs. From advanced analytics to omni-channel support, make sure the features align with your goals.
  • Consider Scalability and Future Growth: Choose a solution that can grow with your business. The right CCaaS provider should be able to scale up or down based on your needs.

Best Practices for Implementing CCaaS

  • Training and Support for Staff: Comprehensive training is crucial. Make sure your team understands how to use the new technology and feels supported throughout the transition.
  • Incremental Adoption: Implement new technology gradually to minimise disruption. Start with a few features and slowly integrate more as your team becomes comfortable.
  • Monitoring and Continuous Improvement: Regularly assess performance and make necessary adjustments. Continuous improvement ensures you’re getting the most out of your CCaaS solution.

Contact centres can effectively bridge the technology gap by following these steps, making use of advanced tools to improve operations and boost customer experiences. Embracing CCaaS is a strategic move towards a more efficient, flexible, and customer-centric future.


Utilising advanced technology in contact centres is crucial for improving efficiency and customer satisfaction. CCaaS solutions offer a pathway to achieving these goals. Contact centre managers are encouraged to evaluate their current technology, explore CCaaS solutions, and embrace technological advancements to stay competitive in the evolving customer service landscape.

Contact centre managers should:

  • Evaluate Their Current Technology: Identify gaps and areas for improvement.
  • Explore CCaaS Solutions: Consider the benefits and features offered by leading providers.
  • Seek Further Guidance: Use all available resources or consultations to make informed decisions.

Embrace the future of contact centre operations with CCaaS and create a highly reputable customer service experience.

Get in touch with Cirrus today for a free contact centre technology consultation.